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2018 Nursing Knowledge: Big Data Science Conference: Why LinkedIn Matters to Advance Nursing Foresight

For more information or to register:

2018 Nursing Knowledge: Big Data Science Conference
Minneapolis, Minnesota

June 14-15 (Preconference June 13)
The conference is open to all who have an interest in advancing the alignment and use of
health data for improved health outcomes and research. Now in its sixth year, the conference
brings together policy and thought leaders in health care, government, the private sector,
education and advocacy organizations to learn from one another and advance an action plan
for sharable, comparable data.

Keynote speakers:
• Anne Pryor, MA, Social Media Strategist, Executive Coach
• Barbara Brandt, PhD – Director, National Center for Interprofessional Practice and
Education, University of Minnesota

UMN School of Nursing Big Data Science Conf.

June 13 preconference offers three tracks:
• Track 1: Hands-On Full Life Cycle Data Science Workshop
• Track 2: Social Media and Mobile Health Analytics
• Track 3: Streamlining and Transforming Documentation