Workshop 1: Create a LinkedIn Profile To Look Great, Be Found for Job Search Success with Anne Pryor
OnlineCreate a LinkedIn Profile To Look Great, Be Found for Job Search Success with Anne Pryor
Create a LinkedIn Profile To Look Great, Be Found for Job Search Success with Anne Pryor
Anne Pryor is a top globally recognized LinkedIn Authority, known as the “LinkedIn Whisperer.” Join us for an evening of networking and a workshop focused on how to best use LinkedIn to look great, be found, and create influence with Anne Pryor. This event will sell out.
You will learn how to create a branded and search engine optimized LinkedIn profile to be found by recruiters, hiring managers, and human resources professionals and to create a network of contacts that open new opportunities.
This advanced LinkedIn workshop is to help job seekers learn how to leverage LinkedIn for success. You will learn Anne Pryor’s proven strategies.
Best Tips from Anne Pryor LinkedIn Expert for LinkedIn profile development to Look Great, Be Found, Get Known and Make Meaningful Connections in job search transition
Job Seekers learn how to use Advanced LinkedIn strategies for job search success. Best tips to find hiring managers, recruiters, research companies and join groups.
You will learn more about how to create a branded and search engine optimized LinkedIn profile to be found by recruiters, hiring managers, and human resources professionals and to create a network of contacts that open new opportunities.
This advanced LinkedIn workshop is for those who currently have started a LinkedIn profile. You will learn Anne Pryor’s proven strategies to: LEVERAGE LINKEDIN FOR SUCCESS Search for People – Hiring Managers, Recruiters, Network Contacts Search for Great Jobs + Ho to Spend 10 Minutes a Day on LinkedIn for Success
Best LinkedIn Workshop for Job Seekers by Anne Pryor LinkedIn Expert. Learn her hack tips for getting found, finding HR, hiring managers, and recruiters for that dream job.