LinkedIn for Job Seekers – Maple Grove Church Career Group


Anne Pryor, LinkedIn Expert, Recruiter, and Career Coach will share top tips for people in career search for the Maple Grove Career Transition Group. This will be a hands-on session where she'll share the best tips on how to find a job on  LinkedIn. 




LinkedIn Boot Camp Workshop by Anne Pryor, internationally ranked, top 10 LinkedIn Expert. You will learn more about how to create a branded and search-engine-optimized LinkedIn profile to be found by recruiters, hiring managers, and human resources professionals and to create a network of contacts that open new opportunities.


LinkedIn Workshop 2: Advanced LinkedIn How to Really Use LinkedIn for Job Search Success


This advanced LinkedIn workshop is for those who currently have started a LinkedIn profile. You will learn Anne Pryor’s proven strategies to: LEVERAGE LINKEDIN FOR SUCCESS Search for People – Hiring Managers, Recruiters, Network Contacts Search for Great Jobs + Ho to Spend 10 Minutes a Day on LinkedIn for Success
